Ennogie solar roof for B2B projects

Ennogie solar roof is a great fit for many businesses. The option of combining sustainability with good economy in an awardwinning design as the roofing solution for the company provides great value – especially over time. A value which cannot be found in the traditional roofing solutions, which simply is a cost through its lifetime. Below is a selected few B2B cases with Ennogie solar roof.

For B2B projects the total cost of the solar roof is quite variable, depending on the content of the specific projects conditions, therefore the specific price of these projects is not shown.
If you want a specific calculation on the cost of our solar roof for your projects, feel free to contact us – we will calculate a non-binding offer, free of charge.

B2B Cases

Sønderhaven, Brædstrup


Autohuset Nottelmann

Svinkløv Badehotel

Boligforeningen FAB

Aabenraa Krematorium


Sønderhaven, Brædstrup

Just in these days, the projects Sønderhaven in the city of Brædstrup is under construction. All of the housing in Sønderhaven will be constructed with Ennogie solar roof – in total about 3.700 m² of solar roof, with an expected early production of about 280.000 kWh.
The project is expected to be finished and ready for the residents in 2021.

Sønderhaven, as the area is called, will be a community with no car traffic, and a clear focus on sustainable solutions and biodiversity. And it will by a great distance, be the biggest housing construction in the city of Brædstrup.

The solar roof will produce green power for all the resident in the community, which not only assures a decreased electrical bill, but more importantly, a massive reduction of the total CO₂ print of the community.

Sønderhaven in total consists of 77 housing apartments in the middle of Brædstrup city, and is constructed through 3 fases of building. The firsst phase of the sustainable district will be ready at the end of 2020.

In cooperation with 40 of Ennogies battery unites, the total yearly savings on power for Sønderhaven, will be upwards of 100.000$.
This means, that the time it will take for the Ennogie solar roof and the battery units to have had a full return on investment, will be less than 10 years.

Number of m²:

CiGS – 100W

Number of battery units:
40 stk

Total battery capacity:
62 kWp

Simple return on investment:
For the cost of the solar part of the roof, and the cost of batteries: 9 years.

Expected electricity consumption. Years:
250.000 kWh

Roof incline:
30 degrees

Expected electricity production pr. year:
280.000 kWh

Simple return on investment:
For the entire roof and batteries: 17 years.



It is possible to make circular roofs, even wth square panels.

Cirkelhusene consists of 12 houses in a cirkel, and is constructed with a full focus on a unique sustainable development and building process.

The circular shape provides the construction with its very own expression, which the Ennogie solar roof completes.

Cirkelhusene is based on 3 keypoints; sustainability, economics and the human in center. The construction is designed in a way, which cultivates the individuality in the houses, while the community blooms in the covered atrium. Cirkelhusene is a zero-emission buildingprojects, which fulfills all 2020 requirements.

Eventhough the Ennogie solar panels are square, it has been possible to create a solution here, where the roof itself is circular. This is possible by using so-called “adjustmentpanels” in the Ennogie roofing solution, to cut to size, where a solar module would not be able to fit. By this, the clean visual expression of the roof is kept intact, at the same time as the roof can produce as much electricity as possible.

Number of m²:

CdTe – 80W

Total kW system:
152 kWp

Number of residences:

Simple return on investment:
For the solar part of the roof: 11 years

Electricity consumption per year:
90.000 kWh

Roof incline:
10 degrees

Expected yearly electricity production:
127.000 kWh

Simple return on investment:
For the entire roof: 21 years


Autohuset Nottelmann


I have recieved a roof which looks beautiful, and which is expected to last much longer than my old roofing solution. A further - and very significant factor - is that the roof with its power production pays itself back day by day, and hereby contributes to the operating profit, while a traditional roof would just be of less and less value each day, over the course of its lifetime.

Preben Nottelmann
owner of Nottelmanns Autohandel

The car showroom at Nottelmann Autohandel has a large electricity usage, as the many m2 with large glass sectiones are kept cool by electrical heating pumps. This matches perfectly with the electricity production of the solar roof, which typically has the highest points of power production, when it is warm outside. This way Nottelmann ensures that they are able to use 100% of the electricity produced by the roof, and thereby be as efficient as possible. A truly unique and perfect business-case for the solar roof.

Number of m²:

Orientation of the roof:

CdTe – 80W

Amount of kW system:
68 kWp

Simple return on investment:
For the solar part of the roof: 7 years

Electricity consumption per year:
120.000 kWh

Roof incline:
15 degrees

Expected yearly electricity production:
51.000 kWh

Simple return on investment:
For the entire roof: 13 years


Svinkløv Badehotel

Svinkløv badehotel has been rebuilt with Ennogie solar roof.

The hotel burned to the ground in 2016, but now the iconic Svinkløv Badehotel has been rebuilt, with Ennogie solar roof as a part of the roofing solution.

The most important factor for the rebuilding of the roof of Svinkløv, has been the that the design would match the expression of the building. From this, it was chosen that the best roofing solution for the project was, that the Ennogie solar roof would be fitted on the dormer of the roof.
In total this means, that the Ennogie solar roof is fitted on 5 dormers, for a total of 284 m2. The dimensions of the dormers are fitted to the size of the Ennogie solar modules, which means that there is no need for adjustmentpanels, and the dormers are used as efficiently as possible.

The solar roof consists of frameless thinfilm solar modules with seawater resistant aluminium-shines, which can withstand the tough surroundings of the “Vesterhav” in Denmark.

Number of m2:

CdTe – 80W

Amount of kW system:
29,5 kWp

Simple return on investment:
For the solar part of the roof: 9 years.

Electricity consumption per year:
42.000 kWh

Roof incline:
13 degrees

Expected yearly electricity production:
25.500 kWh

Simple return on investment:
For the entire Ennogie solar roof: 16 years


Boligforeningen FAB

In connection with the complete renovation of the Korsløkken housing estate in Odense, the FAB (Fyns Almennyttige Boligforening) housing association decidede to partially cover the roof of building 34-6 with an Ennogie solar roof. The project consists of an area of abut 400m2 solar roof, with a cell capacity of 36 kWp.
The installation is estimated to produce a total of about 29.500 kWh per year, which is used by the electrical installations in the common areas of the building.

The Solar roof is an optimal solution, because it gives us a good business-case and because this is a way for both the housing association and the residents to do something good for the enviroment, thereby contributing to the green/sustinable revolution. Something that is a priority now and for years to come. And then it is naturally also important to us that the Ennogie solution seems aesthetically appealing and makes sure that our housing association has a modern look and feel.

– Ibrahim Chanty, from Fyns Almennyttige Boligforening

Ibrahim Chanty
from Fyns Almennyttige Boligforening

Number of m²:

CdTe – 80W

Amount of kW system:
36 kWp

Simple return on investment:
For the solar part of the roof: 12 years

Electricity consumption per year:
15.000 kWh

Roof incline:
25 degrees

Expected electricity production per year:
29.500 kWh

Simple return on investment:
For the entire roof: 21 years


Aabenraa Krematorium

The brand new Aabenraa Krematorium has been build with an Ennogie solar roof. The building project is expected to be done, and the system is expected to be connected and turned on, early on in 2021.

At that time, we will update with pictures from the opening.

For Aabenraa Krematorium the Ennogie solar roof has been the obvious choice, already from the start. It has been essential in the choice of roofing solution, that the economy of the operation, the sustainability and design all were balanced in the roofing of the new Aabenraa Krematorium. Even with a relatively high amount of kWh used in the operation of the Krematorium, the Ennogie solar roof will be able to provide most of the early electricity used in the daily operations, hereby lowering not only the electrical bill, but also the CO₂ emission of the entire building.

Amount of m²:

Roof orientation:

CdTe – 80W

Amount of kW system:
40,5 kWp

Simple return on investment:
For the solar part of the roof:10 years

Electricity consumption per year:
50.000 kWh

Roof incline:
17 degrees

Expected electricity production per year:
37.700 kWh

Simple return on investment:
For the entire roof: 18 years.

Getting started with Ennogie

Forside inspirationsbrochure


Are you looking for inspiration to how an Ennogie solar roof can be used for your project, then have a look at our inspiration brochure. Here we present a extensive collection of finished projects with Ennogie solar roof.
Our inspiration brochure is currently in Danish, but we will soon present a English version.

Click here for the brochure >

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