A good deal

The Ennogie solar roof pays for itself - and then some

Ennogie currently offers 1 ype of panel for the solar roof – a 130W panel.

Below is shown a overview of the price and production estimates of 4 different roof constructions with the 130W panels.

The illustration of roofing constructions below, shows the composition of “active” and “passive” panels, in the different constructions.
The orange marking indicates the “active” part of the roof.
The more complicated the roof construction is, the less “active” panels will be a part of the roof, and more “adjustment” panels will be added.
The examples below are all from a total roof area of 160 m².

What does the price of the Ennogie solar roof include?

When we have made an offer for our solar roof for you, our offer includes the following elements:

  • Electronics

    Active modules, microinverters and communication-unit

  • Cables

    DC-cables (for parralel connecting of the panels to the inverters) and AC-cables (for connecting the inverters to the junction-box)

  • Flashing

    Standard flashing by ridge/valley/hip

An investment

An investment instead of just a cost

An Ennogie solar roof is a paradigm shift in the entire roof industry. From just buying a passive roof that is only an expenditure, it is now possible to buy an active roof which will earn money for its owner.

The roof earns money throughout its life

An Ennogie solar roof earns money for its owner throughout its entire lifespan. And this is quite a good deal. An Ennogie solar roof will earn its owner between EUR 51,000 and EUR 71,000 for its owner. And that is after the roof itself has been paid off.

Larger disposable income

See how the Ennogie solar roof can increase your monthly disposable income in the following examples:

Eksample 1

Ordinary 4 person household with a 160 m² Ennogie solar roof, which is financed through a loan.

Total cost
Ennogie roof

43.000 Euro

Yearly budget
Interest expenses for the loan

860 Euro

Cost of electricity (before solar roof)

2.250 Euro

Savings on electricity (with solar roof)

1.605 Euro

Cost of electricity (after solar roof)

645 Euro

Sales of surplus electricity

135 Euro


Extra available cash

890 € per year

Roof size

160 m2

Interest on the loan


Cost pr. kWh electricity

0,32 € pr. kWh

Electricity consumption

7.000 kWh / year

Utilization rate


Electricity production

10.000 kWh / year

Example 2

Common 4 person household with heating from a heating pump, with 160 m² Ennogie solar roof, which is financed through a loan.

Total cost
Ennogie roof

48.400 Euro

Yearly budget
Interest expenses for the loan

970 Euro

Cost of electricity (before solar roof)

2.690 Euro

Savings on electricity

2.020 Euro

Cost of electricity (after solar roof)

670 Euro

Savings on heating

540 Euro

Sales of surplus electricity

67 Euro


Extra available cash

1.657 € per year

Roof size

160 m2

Interest on the loan


Cost pr. kWh electricity

0,27 € pr. kWh

Electricity consumption

10.000 kWh / year

Utilization rate


Electricity production

10.000 kWh / year

If you want a more precise estimate of the business-case for the Ennogie solar roof for your project, feel free to contact us.

Tel.: +45 6915 3990 | Mail: info@ennogie.com

The Ennogie solar roof can be used in many different roof constructions and the solutions for specific projects are many and varying

See some specific examples of finished projects with Ennogie solar roof, where the Ennogie solar roof in each projects has been a good deal for the customer.

Forklaring regneeksempel 1

  • Eksemplet her forudsætter et 160 m2
    T-hus med øst/vest eller nord/syd orientering.
  • Der tages udgangspunkt i et samlet strømforbrug på 10.000 kWh årligt, som afregnes til 3,2 kr. pr. kWh.
  • Den samlede strømproduktion i eksemplet anslåes til 16.000 kWh årligt (ca. 100 kWh pr. m²) med en udnyttelsesgrad på 40%. Dvs. af det samlede antal kWh, som produceres årligt, vil husholdningen selv forbruge 6.400 kWh. Det er dermed ikke hele husholdningens strømforbrug, som dækkes via tagets egenproducerede strøm.
  • Med et traditionelt tag ville husholdningen have haft en årlig udgift til strøm på ca. 32.000 kr.
  • Med Ennogies solcelletag i eksemplet her, vil husholdningens indkøb af strøm reduceres med 6.400 kWh og dermed ende på 11.520 kr årligt.
  • Der præsenteres dermed en besparelse på husholdningen strømregning på 20.480 kr. årligt.
  • Derudover sælges den resterende strøm som husholdningen ikke selv udnytter til en produktionselleverandør til 1,16 kr. pr. kWh. Dette giver en årlig indtjening på salg af overskudsstrøm på 11.136 kr.
  • Den samlede besparelse og indtjening fra solcelletaget er dermed 31.616 kr. årligt.
  • Det forudsættes at taget finansieres igennem et lån til en årlig rente på 5%, hvilket betyder en årlig renteudgift på 20.800 kr.
  • Den årlige besparelse og indtjening fra solcelletaget, minus de årlige renteudgifter fra det optagede lån, giver dermed husholdningen et ekstra rådighedsbeløb på ca. 10.816 kr. årligt.
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Forklaring regneeksempel 2

  • Eksemplet her forudsætter et 160 m2 tag.
  • T-hus med øst/vest eller nord/syd orientering.
    Der tages udgangspunkt i et samlet strømforbrug på 10.000 kWh årligt, som afregnes til 2,76 kr. pr. kWh.(prisen pr. kWh er reduceret pga. afgiftsfritagelse ved elvarme).
  • Den samlede strømproduktion i eksemplet anslåes til 16.000 kWh årligt (ca. 100 kWh pr. m²) med en udnyttelsesgrad på 50%. Dvs. af det samlede antal kWh, som produceres årligt, vil husholdningen selv forbruge 8.000 kWh. Det er dermed ikke hele husholdningens strømforbrug, som dækkes via tagets egenproducerede strøm.
  • Med et traditionelt tag ville husholdningen have haft en årlig udgift til strøm på ca. 27.600 kr.
    Med Ennogies solcelletag i eksemplet her, vil husholdningens indkøb af strøm reduceres med 8.000 kWh og dermed ende på 5.520 kr. Der præsenteres dermed en besparelse på husholdningen strømregning på 22.080 kr. årligt.
  • Derudover sælges den resterende strøm som husholdningen ikke selv udnytter til en produktionselleverandør til 1,16 kr. pr. kWh. Dette giver en årlig indtjening på salg af overskudsstrøm på 9.280 kr.
  • Den samlede besparelse og indtjening fra solcelletaget er dermed 31.360 kr. årligt.
  • Herudover spares 8.000 kr. på varmeregningen via varmepumpen som er tilkoblet løsningen her.
  • Det forudsættes at tagets omkostninger finansieres igennem et lån til en årlig rente på 5%, hvilket betyder en årlig renteudgift på 20.800 kr.
  • Den årlige besparelse og indtjening fra solcelletaget og varmepumpen, minus de årlige renteudgifter fra det optagede lån, giver dermed husholdningen et ekstra rådighedsbeløb på ca. 18.560 kr. årligt.
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Explanation of example 1

  • The example is based on danish conditions and a 160 m2
    T-shaped roof with east/west or north/south orientation.
  • A total electricity consumption of 7.000 kWh yearly is assumed, at a cost of 0,32 Euro pr. kWh
  • The total electricity production in this example is estimated at 10.000 kWh yearly (about 83 kWh pr. m² roof) with a utilization rate of 50%, meaning that of the total 10.000 kWh produced yearly, the household itself uses the 5.000 kWh. Therefore, it is not expected that all of the electricity used in the household, will be from the solar roof, but 75% of what is used.
  • With a traditional roof the household would have had a yearly electricity bill of about 2.250 Euro.
  • With the Ennogie solar roof in this example, the purchase of electricity in the household would be reduced by 5.000 kWh, totalling 645 Euro.
  • Thereby the savings on the electricity in the household would be about 1.605 Euro per year.
  • Apart from this, the electricity which the household itself is not able to use, is sold to the grid, at a price of 0,027 Euro per kWh. This totals at an earning of about 135 Euro per year.
  • The total savings and earnings of choosing the solar roof instead of a traditional would therefore be about 1.740 Euro per year.
  • It is assumed that the cost of the roof is financed through a loan with a yearly rate of 2%, which means that the yearly interest expenses are at 860 euro.
  • The yearly savings and earnings of the solar roof, minus the interest expenses from the loan, totals an extra available amount in the household of about 890 Euro per year.
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Explanation of example 2

  • The example is based on danish conditions and a 160 m2
  • T-shaped roof with east/west or north/south orientation.
    A total electricity consumption of 10.000 kWh yearly is assumed, at a cost of 0,27 Euro pr. kWh (price pr. kWh reduced because of heating pump in the household).
  • The total electricity production in this example is estimated at 10.000 kWh yearly (about 83 kWh pr. m² roof) with a utilization rate of 75%, meaning that of the total 10.000 kWh produced yearly, the household itself uses the 7.500 kWh. Therefore, it is not expected that all of the electricity used in the household, will be from the solar roof, but 75% of what is used.
  • With a traditional roof the household would have had a yearly electricity bill of about 2.690 Euro.
    With the Ennogie solar roof in this example, the purchase of electricity in the household would be reduced by 7.500 kWh, totalling about 670 Euro. Thereby the savings on the electricity in the household would be about 2.020 Euro per year.
  • Apart from this, the electricity which the household itself is not able to use, is sold to the grid, at a price of 0,027 Euro per kWh. This totals at an earning of about 67 Euro per year.
  • The total savings and earnings of choosing the solar roof instead of a traditional would therefore be about 2.087 Euro per year.
  • Furthermore, about 540 Euro is saved on the household heating bill, by having a heating pump connected to the system.
  • It is assumed that the cost of the roof is financed through a loan with a yearly rate of 2%, which means that the yearly interest expenses are at 970 Euro.
  • The yearly savings and earnings of the solar roof and heating pump, minus the interest expenses from the loan, totals an extra available amount in the household of about 1.657 Euro per year.
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