Ennogie solar roof is an award-winning design. The roof has won both danish
and international awards, among these are Danish Design Award and IF Design Award.

iF Design Award
In february 2017 Ennogie recieved the prestigious iF Design Award; an internationally acknowledged designaward.
Every year the oldelst independent German designorganisation, iF International Forum Design GMBH organizes the iF Design Award.
With the product “Ennogie Solar Roof” Ennogie was able to win the discipline “Product” under the category “Builting Technology”.
Ennogies integrated solarenergy roof convinced the jury of 58 high-porfile experts from around the world, with its aesthetic and unique design. The competetion was intense; more than 5.500 propals was submitted from 59 countries, in the hopes of obtaining the prestigious quality stamp, that the iF Design Award offers.

Danish Design Award
In April 2016 Ennogie won the award in the category “save money”, by submitting the Ennogie Roofing System – an aesthetic solarenergy roof, at an affordable price, which has a full return on investment, after just a few years of operation.
The reasoning of the jury:
“Ennogie is a roof with Return On Investment. Where traditional roofs only is a depreciating, the Ennogie pays itself back over just a few years of operation, at a price per square meter, which is only slightly above the traditional roofing systems”.

The DGNB-cerfication was launched in Danmark in the year 2012, and is a common ground for what sustainability is in the line of construction and how to make it measurable. In a few words, the DGNB is the certificate of sustainability in the danish construction-business.
It means a great deal to us in Ennogie, how the footprint of our roofing systems affects the enviroment.
For this very reason, our project “Cirkelhusene” has gained the DGNB cerfitication.
The project where the entire roof consists of Ennogie solar roof, is truly unique with its round shape, and has earned the prestigious DGNB gold-certification.
The Ennogie concept
To ensure a visually uniform expression of the roof, the Ennogie concept of not only solar panels, but also passive panels and adjustment panels. This provides a unique option of adjusting the Ennogie roofing system to the specific wants and needs of the individual customer, while preserving the design and aesthetics of the roof.

The Ennogie solar roof is designed in a way, which allows it to properly match most building – both old and new.
The point of the solar roof is that it should both provide a positive operating budget and be aesthetically pleasing at the same time. In other words, the Ennogie solar roof is made to provide a positive raise in terms of design, for the buildings and projects where it is mounted.
It has been essential to move away from the traditional solar solutions, which does not have a positive addition to the design of a roof, and instead provide a roof integrated with solar that lifts the design of the entire project.
The design of the Ennogie solar roof matches well both for new constructions and older building, that are facing a renovation of the roof. It is also designed in a way, that expressively matches both regular housing, businesses and housing associations.

Are you looking for inspiration to how an Ennogie solar roof can be used for your project, then have a look at our inspiration brochure. Here we present a extensive collection of finished projects with Ennogie solar roof.
Our inspiration brochure is currently in Danish, but we will soon present a English version.