Ennogie has recievede numerous awards through the years - see a selection below.
Ennogie is also proud and very grateful for having recieve support from several foundations, institutes etc. – in Denmark and other countries.

iF Design Award
In february 2017 Ennogie recieved the prestigious iF Design Award; an internationally acknowledged designaward.
Every year the oldelst independent German designorganisation, iF International Forum Design GMBH organizes the iF Design Award.
With the product “Ennogie Solar Roof” Ennogie was able to win the discipline “Product” under the category “Builting Technology”.
Ennogies integrated solarenergy roof convinced the jury of 58 high-porfile experts from around the world, with its aesthetic and unique design. The competetion was intense; more than 5.500 propals was submitted from 59 countries, in the hopes of obtaining the prestigious quality stamp, that the iF Design Award offers.

Danish Design Award
In April 2016 Ennogie won the award in the category “save money”, by submitting the Ennogie Roofing System – an aesthetic solarenergy roof, at an affordable price, which has a full return on investment, after just a few years of operation.
The reasoning of the jury:
“Ennogie is a roof with Return On Investment. Where traditional roofs only is a depreciating, the Ennogie pays itself back over just a few years of operation, at a price per square meter, which is only slightly above the traditional roofing systems”.

Sustainable Build
Sustainable Build – The purpose of sustainable build is to improve growth within the trade of sustainable build.
Ennogie ApS was chosen in 2016 as innovator for Sustainable Build:
“Ennogie has developed an aesthetically beautiful roof solution that produces both heat and electricity with the sun as primary source of energy”..

Ennogie ApS obtained support the the Market Development Fund (MarkedmodningsFonden)) in April 2014 for testing the Ennogie Roofing System on the market.
The purpose of the Market Development Fund is to improve growth, employment and export, particularly among small medium-sized enterprises within trades where Denmark shows special strengths and potentials. This may include green reconversion, solutions within health and welfare, design and other creative trades. This may include green reconversion, solutions within health and welfare, design and other creative trades.

Venture Cup Idea Competition
Ennogie ApS won the 2011 award in the category Cleantech after presenting the idea for a jury and an audience.

Ennogie ApS was supported by Incense Award in January 2016 for developing a pioneering method of sharing electricity through a large worldwide network of Ennogie Roofing System solutions.

Ennogie ApS obtained support from EUDP in October 2015 in order to develop an aesthetically attractive BIPV roof solution.

Business Development centre Central Denmark
Ennogie ApS received the “Start mind Accelerator Growth Package” from the Business Development centre Central Denmark (Vækshus Midtjylland) in May 2011 with the purpose of supporting the company with legal consultancy.

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Denmark
Ennogie ApS obtained support in September 2010 for applying to the European Commission’s “Seventh Framework Programme: Research for the benefit of SMEs”.

Alexander Foss Industry Fund
Ennogie was supported by the Alexander Foss Industry Fund in June 2010 with the purpose of testing and providing further development of the Ennogie Roofing System.

Horizon 2020
Ennogie was supported by the Alexander Foss Industry Fund in June 2010 with the purpose of testing and providing further development of the Ennogie Roofing System.